Military Defense of the Canal

  • 28/08/2014 18:33
  • 28/08/2014 18:33
Stories from the United States' relationship with the Panama Canal, in celebration of its centenary

During the 85 years of U.S. administration of the canal, the world experienced various wars and conflicts.  During World War I and II, the Canal was an important route for the mobilization of American troops and ships, particularly when the U.S. and allies faced simultaneous challenges on battlefields in Europe and the Pacific Ocean.  There were more than 20 military across both coasts, mainly dedicated to protect the Panama Canal Zone.  The strong U.S. military presence protected Panama from attack during times of uncertainty.  On the Atlantic side were the Randolph, Sherman and Delesseps Bases; and on the Pacific side, Amador and Kobbe Bases.  Those were fortified by the strongest artillery that the United States had at the time.

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