El Carnaval de Río de Janeiro comenzó oficialmente este viernes con la entrega de las llaves de la ciudad al Rey Momo, máximo soberano de la fiesta más...
- 26/09/2008 02:00
- 26/09/2008 02:00
The areas that experienced most growth were liquid assets, up by 22.8 percent. The credit portfolio climbed by 20.5 percent, while the deposits increased by 23.4 percent, but the liquidity was down by 0.5 percent.
Meanwhile the stock market volume experienced a growth of 37.5 percent. The areas with most increases were re-buying with 90.4 percent, the secondary with 63.4 per cent and the primary with 10.8 percent. With respect to the share market the negotiated volume increased by 137.6 percent and the number of shares went up by 64.9 percent. The stock market index reached 4.1 percent.
Investment in publicity was up by 10.2 percent, 13.4 percent for television, 13 percent for magazines, 6.8 percent for newspapers, 1.1 percent for radio and 1 percent in billboards.
Total government revenues went up by 29.1 percent. Mainly due to indirect taxes and value added tax.Other sectors that experienced improvement was the hotel industry were the number of rooms went up by 1.2 percent and occupancy by 2.0 percent. The average of rooms occupied daily increased by 3.3 percent and daily average of overnight stays by 23.3 percent. The number of tourists went up by 23.3 percent.