El presidente José Raúl Mulino fue el encargado de dar la orden para que la tuneladora “Panamá” comenzará sus operaciones por debajo del Canal de Panamá,...
- 04/04/2009 02:00
- 04/04/2009 02:00
PANAMA. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you”, led by Panama Opera singers Fernando Bustos, male soprano and Diana Duran soprano, scores of enthusiastic members of the American Society of Panama filled a ballroom at Panama’s Punta Paitilla Inn with song, honoring the birthday of their president, Dr Charly Garcia.
Happy birthday indeed. He was presiding over a combined charity auction for the USA Caravan Committee and The American Society which, during a fun filled evening produced an estimated $11,000.
Scores arrived early to view and, as they sipped wine covered by their $15 entry fee, make bids on the dozens of items available in a silent auction.
When the final bids were closed at 8 p.m., the attendees, armed with numbered paddles sat down for a brief musical interlude, including the tribute to Charly, and then got down to the meat of the night with the live auction of 71 items conducted by Rita Sosa and professional auctioneer Christina Bridges, whose rapid fire repartee encouraged bidders to open their wallets for items ranging from works of art, to hotel and luxury resort stays, gift certificates, dental treatment and a spa makeover.
The top bid of the evening was for lunch for four with the American Ambassador. It fetched $500 and brought a smile to Charly’s face.