Balbina and the statues

  • 18/10/2008 02:00
  • 18/10/2008 02:00
PANAMA. Rumors that the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD) presidential nominee, Balbina Herrera, and President Martin Torrijos do no...

PANAMA. Rumors that the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD) presidential nominee, Balbina Herrera, and President Martin Torrijos do not get along have abounded ever since she won the primaries.

Both have tried to quiet them down, posing in pictures together and even having the president speak at the ceremony when Herrera received her credentials.

But internal sources argue that the relation remains cold, especially because of the differences between the president and Herrera’s chief strategist, Hector Aleman.

The situation worsened earlier this week when Alfredo Oranges, a campaign spokesperson, said in the “Mas Debate” show that Mingthoy Giro, responsible of the Parque Omar deposit from where the “Juegos de Antaño” statues were stolen, should resign her post.

This statement surprised PRD and opposition members alike because Torrijos and his wife have repeatedly defended Giro.

Oranges later claimed he was speaking on his own behalf and not as campaign spokesperson, but that has not quieted down suspicions that the relationship between Herrera and Torrijos is anything but dead cold.

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