Arosemena must return to jail

  • 18/10/2008 02:00
  • 18/10/2008 02:00
PANAMA. Rafael Arosemana, who headed the National Bank of Panama (BNP) during the final days of the dictatorship, must return to prison.

PANAMA. Rafael Arosemana, who headed the National Bank of Panama (BNP) during the final days of the dictatorship, must return to prison.

The Supreme Court revoked the house jail order that Arosemena enjoyed from April 2007 due to health reasons.

Known as the dictatorship banker, Arosemena was condemned for embeszzlingt $14 million while heading BNP.

The banker fled the country after the United States invasion of Panama in December 1989, and lived as a fugitive in Mexico for 17 years.

He returned to Panama in December 2006.

Despite several convictions Arosemana remained in prison only 107 days between December 2006 and April 2007.

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