Spadafora’s explanation

  • 19/02/2009 01:00
  • 19/02/2009 01:00
The current Supreme Court judge explained that all he did was suggest how to take advantage of the investment.

The current Supreme Court judge explained that all he did was suggest how to take advantage of the investment.

“I recused myself from the Toucan Museum case because it was related to an on going investigation of the money used for the remodeling of the Foreign Relations Ministry and the Ministry of Government and Justice in Casco Viejo, when I was minister”.

Spadafora denies any direct relation to the funds. “We did not manage funds for that foundation. However, I did provide technical instructions for the remodeling, and that is why I feel the need to recuse myself from the case, for transparency purposes,” he said.

Spadora ruled on the Mar del Sur Foundation case that the organization’s funds were of a private nature, and thus out of public scrutiny. The foundation received money from Taiwan, the same source of funds for the Toucan Museum.

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