Uncertain fate for Panama illegals

  • 10/09/2008 02:00
  • 10/09/2008 02:00
According to Estrada, the company has been under investigation for sometime, because ICE received information about illegal immigrants b...

According to Estrada, the company has been under investigation for sometime, because ICE received information about illegal immigrants being hired there on a regular basis

During the operation, 595 illegal aliens working without the appropriate paperwork were arrested; among them were Panamanians, Guatemalans, Brazilians, Germans, Peruvians and nationals from Honduras.

The ICE operatives were also looking for incriminating documents against the company

The illegal aliens, of which 42 are Panamanians, were processed after receiving medical attention and sent to a detention center, in Jena, Louisiana, to await trial

Estrada stressed that at all times the detainees were treated humanely and their legal rights respected

Of 595 illegal aliens 106 individuals were given house arrest, because they have relatives in the area and were under the supervision of the Immigration authoritiesThe rest were transferred to the detention center in Jena

“This is an ongoing investigation due to the size of the operation and gives the opportunity for ICE to be able to identify other crimes.”

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