Gaillard’s descendant

  • 02/10/2008 02:00
  • 02/10/2008 02:00
Accompanied by the U.S. ambassador to Panama, Barbara Stephenson, he was received at the Visitors Center of the Miraflores by the admini...

Accompanied by the U.S. ambassador to Panama, Barbara Stephenson, he was received at the Visitors Center of the Miraflores by the administrator of the Panama Canal Authority, Alberto Alemán Zubieta, who gave him a guided tour through the locks control and explained how the canal operates.

The astronaut is a direct descendent of David Dubose Gaillard, engineer and colonel of the American army, who arrived to Panama in 1907 to excavate through the central continental division of the isthmus better known as the Culebra Cut.

The Culebra Cut, which the narrowest area of the canal was, renamed Gaillard Cut to honor his work.

Parazynski gave Zubieta a commemorative plaque.

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