Protecting marine turtles in Veraguas

  • 13/07/2009 02:00
  • 13/07/2009 02:00
PANAMA. All marine turtle species are experiencing serious threats to their survival. In Veraguas province, Santa Catalina residents h...

PANAMA. All marine turtle species are experiencing serious threats to their survival. In Veraguas province, Santa Catalina residents have taken action to protect marine turtles from the many problems they face. Responding to these concerns, the Aquatic Resources of Panama (ARAP) organized the workshop “Turtles Forever” to help educate the community about species conservation. The workshop was attended by 30 members of the Santa Catalina Life and Hope for Marine Turtles Club and Co-op del Mar (COOMAR). Aspects of ARAP’s work in the area were also discussed, including data retrieval, nest transfer, and care of breeding grounds. The Maritime University of Panama (UMIP) and the Smithsonian Institute collaborate with the program at key spots on the Pacific coast where the turtles come to nest between July and December. ARAP suggests that to help marine turtles by only using nesting beaches in summer to leave the turtles space to nest during the rainy season.

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