Fun fundraisers

  • 28/08/2008 02:00
  • 28/08/2008 02:00
Whoever came up with the idea of organizing festivals for charity must have been a genius. As generous as a person might be, money is mo...

Whoever came up with the idea of organizing festivals for charity must have been a genius. As generous as a person might be, money is more easily spent (or donated) when one gets fun and entertainment in return.

With that premise in mind, the social assistance caravan of the Diplomatic and Panamanian Ladies has for years oprganized an annual fundraiser : The Festival Around the World which has become a highlight on the social calendar. It taps into people’s desires to travel to England, Greece, China, Ecuador, Israel, Dominican Republic, Argentina? and showcases these countries’ culinary delights, culture, music, dances and craft.

The Festival is the group’s signature event, organized to raise funds to benefit centers like Hospital del Niño, Hogares Crea, Las Aldeas Infantiles and others. According to Ines Schipani, president of the Caravan, national associations and foundations submit proposals and the board evaluates how to properly divvy up the money that is collected.

The festival will have with more than three dozen participating countries as well as an attendance prize of 2 cruise tickets for the Caribbean for 7 nights, donated by Grand Tours and 2 tickets Panama-Miami-Panama courtesy of the Social Assistance Caravan.

The event will be held next Thursday September 4 in Atlapa from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00p.m. Entrance fees are $3.00 and children younger than 10 get in for free. The event promises to be a fun afternoon for the entire family.

And for the caravan's ladies, they help improve the lives of the less fortunate while enriching the culture of those who participate. What else could they ask for?

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